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Community Health And Wellness Funding Application

Health & Wellness Funding Application

For Applicants

Only “Not-For-Profit” groups should apply.

Applications For Funding

Applicants must complete Community Health and Wellness Funding Application form.

Request must meet one of the six priority needs of the Tantramar Area Community Health Needs Assessment.

Funding requests must be permissible under Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rules and regulations.

Must not duplicate existing community services or programs.

Must not be in support of an individual or small/select group of individuals.

Received and approved as follows:
1st half of year: Received prior to April 30 and voted on at either the May or June Board meetings

2nd half of year: Received prior to September 30 and voted on by the November Board meeting.

Where funding is provided, the recipient must submit a detailed report back to the Foundation, in writing, within a reasonable period after the disbursement of funds by the Foundation.

Note: No subsequent applications will be accepted unless the reporting requirements of any prior disbursements have been fulfilled.

Community Health and Wellness Funding Application